How to Choose The Right Email Security Solution for your MSP

Are you a Managed Service Provider (MSP) searching for an email security solution but not sure where to start? Interestingly, the answer lies in the questions—or more specifically, the pain points you face. Instead of diving into an intricate pitch, we’re stripping it back to basics and focusing on what really matters: the problems you need solved.

When evaluating an MSP email security provider, everything boils down to four key factors: Detection Capabilities, Purpose Built MSP Features, Ease of Use, and Reliability Indicators.

Detection Capabilities

First up, we have threat detection capabilities.

1. Comprehensive Threat Protection

Does the email security provider protect against a wide and relevant array of threats?

The current email security landscape is ever-evolving, with new threats emerging regularly. It is important for your provider to protect against modern threats including phishing, malware, ransomware, business email compromise, and brand impersonation.

2. Threat Research Capabilities

Can your email security provider stay ahead of emerging threats?

With cybercriminals becoming more sophisticated, it’s essential for your email security provider to stay up-to-date. In-house threat research capabilities are an advantage as they allow email security providers to respond more efficiently to new and emerging threats.

3. Continuous Detection

Does your email security provider offer post-delivery detection?

Detection at the point of delivery is no longer enough to keep hackers at bay. With new threats like post-delivery weaponization of URLs and links, continuous scanning has become essential for maintaining mailbox security.

4. Internal Threat Protection

Does the email security platform protect against internal risks?

External threats aren't the only danger—malicious emails can also come from within the organization. Whether intentional or due to compromised accounts, these threats pose a serious risk. Internal threat protection helps catch these emails before they reach users, adding an extra layer of security that external measures may miss.

Purpose Built MSP Features

The next step is to assess how well the email security solution fits within the MSP business model. Many enterprise-built platforms can lead to tedious, repetitive tasks due to a lack of cross-tenancy management, increased workload from limited MSP-specific onboarding resources, and no concierge migration support.

1. Incident Response

Does the email security solution allow MSPs to do threat hunting?

The days of MSPs manually diving into each client's account to make changes are long gone. With Incident Response, MSPs can now quickly search for and eliminate detected threats across every customer and mailbox centrally, streamlining the entire process in just a few clicks.

2. Global Rules

Does the email security platform support rule creation across all tenancies?

With Global Rules, MSPs can create and implement rules (such as allowing or blocking specific senders, domains or IP addresses) that instantly apply to all clients in real time. This ensures consistent protection across all tenancies without the need for repeated manual adjustments.

3. Global Policies

Does the email security solution allow MSPs to streamline policy management across clients?

With standardization, MSPs can create and update baseline policies in real time for all selected customers—something typically missing from enterprise email solutions. This feature streamlines inbox management and also gives end-users the autonomy to release quarantined emails using Microsoft SafeSender rules, reducing the need for constant MSP involvement.

4. Cross-Tenancy Capabilities

Does the email security solution simplify managing multiple clients at scale?

There’s a key difference between being multi-tenanted and having cross-tenancy capabilities. The former simply means being able to host multiple customers on your email security platform, while the latter allows you to manage all your end-users with just a few clicks. This includes tasks like managing, editing, and performing all necessary functions from a single pane of glass, making cross-tenancy far more efficient.

Ease of Use

With those factors in mind, let’s take a look at some other important considerations.

1. Integration and Deployment

Does the email security solution integrate easily with your existing systems, and is it quick to deploy?

The solution should offer options that align with your MSP’s infrastructure, ensuring minimal disruption during deployment. Ideally, it should provide both mailbox (API integration) and perimeter (MX) protection to cover various client setups. Low maintenance post-deployment ensures efficiency and long-term scalability.

2. Billing and Licensing Structure:

Does the billing and licensing structure align with the MSP model?

Having an email security provider that automatically syncs licensing from Microsoft 365 will save MSPs hours every month when it comes to invoicing. This automatic syncing includes license changes, the immediate removal of unused mailboxes (i.e., when an employee leaves) and requires no effort from the MSP apart from running the initial sync.

3. Direct vs. Channel Sales Model

Does it make a difference if the email security providers sells directly to customers or channel-only?

Yes, since channel-only providers are specifically designed to meet MSP needs, they tend to offer more tailored services and MSP-focused innovations. Plus, since they don't sell directly to end-customers, they fully align with MSP interests without the risk of competition.

4. End User Experience

Is the UI intuitive for customers, and are there resources to assist with the transition?

A seamless onboarding experience is crucial for end users. With an intuitive interface and customizable settings, users can easily adapt to the platform. Email security providers should also offer comprehensive onboarding resources like videos and PDFs to ensure users are well-informed and comfortable throughout the process.

Reliability Indicators

Now that we’ve gone through several factors, let’s explore a few more that will tip the scales in your decision-making process.

1. Support Staff

How important is having a well-trained support team?

Email security providers with well-trained, accessible, and responsive support staff can significantly impact the speed and efficiency of issue resolution—both during deployment and ongoing management. It's also important to have multiple ways to reach support, whether through direct ticketing, email, or phone.

2. Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

What should MSPs look for in an SLA?

Uptime guarantees, reliable service, high availability, and a commitment to resolving issues are crucial parts of an SLA, as they help maintain end-user trust.

3. Compliance

How to check if the email security provider meets the right standards?

Check if the provider complies with key industry standards like SOC 2 Type II and ISO 27001. This ensures they follow strict security guidelines and can be trusted with your data.

4. Reputation

How can you evaluate the provider’s standing within the MSP community?

Take a look at their reputation in the MSP community by checking forums and platforms like the MSP SubReddit, G2, TechTribe, and Channel Program. Real feedback from MSP peers can give you a good idea of their service, reliability, and support.

By following these guidelines, MSPs can choose the right email security provider to ensure long-term success and operational efficiency. Curious about how Mesh can help you meet your email security goals? Book your free demo today.


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