Marketing, sales, and onboarding made easy.
Struggling for inspiration?
We’ll provide you with custom-branded marketing and onboarding content
We’ve created marketing brochures, email templates and end-user onboarding guides to make selling and migrating easy. Better still, we’ll even add your logo, colors, and contact information - providing you with slick, custom-branded content that’s ready to be shared with your customers.
Marketing Brochures
Helping you raise awareness of the importance of email security for your customers.
End-User Guides
To make onboarding seamless.
Email Templates
Helping you to generate new leads with thought provoking content.
Ready to get started?
Make your customers safer and
your MSP more efficient.
MSP Success Stories
Discover how your MSP peers have made their MSPs more efficient and profitable, while delivering better email security to their customers.
Mesh is not for everyone
We’re developing the only email security platform built exclusively for MSPs, but nobody is perfect and Mesh is not for every team.